Levered Learning Launches Pilot with LEANLAB Education to Address Math Proficiency in Kansas City
November 24, 2020 | Found in: Impact and Partnerships

Levered and Tolbert Academy in Kansas City, Missouri look to address the growing learning loss due to the pandemic and increase engagement with online curriculum.
Press Release - November 24th, 2020 - Soquel, CA
Levered Learning will bring their innovative math curriculum to Lee A Tolbert Community Academy—a Kansas City, Missouri public charter school—in a pilot beginning in January and running through the end of the school year to conduct research on how the math tool can help students recover learning loss and progress to proficiency in math. The pilot is part of a national program through LEANLAB Education, a Kansas City-based non-profit pairing under-resourced school communities with high-potential education technologies to measure their impact.
"At Levered, we have seen participation rates as high as ninety-five percent, with thirty to forty minutes of daily engagement in the program during distance learning,” said Levered Learning's CEO, Mitch Slater. “We are excited to be working with LEANLAB and Tolbert to see how our program can help their teachers, students and school community during this unprecedented time."
Since the Coronavirus pandemic sent schools all over the country into distance learning, school districts have been grappling with how to effectively deliver instruction while contending with a myriad of technological issues. Unfortunately, under-resourced communities are at further risk of learning loss, with math being one of the most challenging subjects to address. Prior to the pandemic, students using Levered in Title I schools had shown an average of 70% growth in the first year of implementation versus students at the same grade level the previous year.
"The need to bolster student math proficiency remains a consistent pain point for our school partners, and we believe that the team at Levered Learning has developed a uniquely promising solution to this foundational challenge. We are excited to partner with Levered Learning because of their competency-based approach to building a solution that demonstrates impact for all students," said Rohan Pidaparti, Manager of Innovation Programs at LEANLAB Education.
About LEANLAB Education LEANLAB Education is a Kansas City-based nonprofit whose mission is to launch transformational education innovations with a national impact. Their method is pairing under-resourced school communities with high potential education technologies to measure their impact in authentic classroom environments.