Levered’s Clever Integration Enables Elementary School Partners Rostering and Single Sign-on Access to Online Math Curriculum
August 11, 2021 | Found in: Single-sign on, Automated rostering, and Integrations

Levered, a 21st century system for teaching and learning math, is announcing a partnership with Clever, the most widely used single sign-on (SSO) portal in elementary schools nationwide.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed new vulnerabilities in being able to provide students access to high quality curriculum. With textbooks as the primary learning tool used in schools, teaching mathematics was especially hard for elementary teachers working remotely.
“As an online curriculum with real-time teacher tools, our school partners were able to continue teaching through distance and hybrid learning but it was a challenge for schools to manage student logins,” said Levered Learning co-founder and CEO, Mitch Slater.
By integrating with Clever, school partners using Levered can simplify, with: • Single Sign-On with convenient, seamless log-in access through Clever • Clever Badges to speed up student access, especially at lower grades • Automated rostering and synchronized class updates
“Our partnership with Clever is part of Levered’s overarching commitment to make sure that every student has access to high quality curriculum,” continued Slater.