Join us in San Diego for Focus on Results - January 28-30, 2022
January 14, 2022 | Found in: Impact, Partnerships, Lcap funding, and Conferences

The California Association of Latino Superintendents and Administrators (CALSA) Focus On Results 2022 is a three-day leadership conference in San Diego, California at the OMNI San Diego Hotel. The conference is designed for superintendents and administrators to learn, connect, and strategize on how to finish the school year strong and is open to all current superintendents and administrators, not just CALSA members. With a focus on improving and measuring student learning, there will be presentations, keynote speakers, thought leaders and recognized education practitioners to discuss evidence-based practices and solutions to help improve district outcomes in the this school year.
We Love Results
Amidst a wave of challenges in a shifting education environment, schools that had Levered in place during the 2020-2021 school year were able to continue math class without missing a beat as schools scrambled to figure out how to keep kids learning.
Focus on Results is one of our favorite events every year because impact is our core focus and we’ve got great results to share!
Student centered learning is our ethos
100% of surveyed teachers said Levered helped their students feel more confident and learn new math concepts. The same teachers agreed that using Levered helped them provide timely support to struggling students while also offering appropriate challenges for students at or above grade level.
Data informed instruction is our practice
Teachers see real-time assessment data about which standard their students are struggling with and provides them with directly aligned activities for intervention with a single click. This makes it easy for teachers to help individual students, create small groups based on needs at that moment, and plan the next days math talk.
Levered is moving kids along at every level
We have a Pilot Brief from Digital Promise showing students can make significant gains in math achievement with a program starting in January and February. It’s never too late to change up the tool box and support student achievements, even in the 2nd half of the year.
“Our learning system is designed to support teachers in reaching every student, every day, while students have the runway and support they need to be successful,” said CEO, Mitch Slater. “That is the most powerful combination to improve student achievement and offer all students a pathway to success in learning math.”
Join us in San Diego!
Levered is proud to be a Core Sponsor of CALSA and both of our founders, Mitch Slater and Joshua Bradley, will be at the event and participating in sessions for administrators. Register here and schedule some time to meet with us to talk about math learning this year and beyond.