5 Minutes with Amy Jivani from our Math Curriculum Team
September 29, 2021 | Found in: Curriculum development and Team

Amy Jivani is a Curriculum Development Specialist at Levered. She spends her work days writing scripts, recording voices and lip syncing for a host of Levered’s characters. Teaming up the rest of our Kindergarten through 2nd grade resource team, she helps create resource guides and hands-on activities for our youngest students.
Amy lives in Denton, Texas with her husband and two sons. Thunderstorms and tacos are at the top of her “best of Denton” list. She began her career in education as an elementary school teacher, where she loved creating stories to make her lessons come alive for her students. After receiving a Master of Education from Texas A&M, she embarked on her writing journey. Her second children’s book, Meera’s Flowers, was published this year!
5 Quick Questions with Amy
*What did 10 year old Amy want to be when she grew up? * A storm chaser.
*What do you do for fun? * Anything outdoors from playing football to camping. I also love to play piano and sing.
*If you could trade places with anyone for one day, who would you choose? * Amanda Gorman
*Is there anything that surprised you while working on the Levered team? * The amount of talent that each person on this team possesses. It's been so amazing getting to see their abilities shine through the construction of this program and also hearing about talents outside of the Levered realm.
*Are you reading any books right now? * Yes! 2 at the moment. "Pachinko" by Min Jin Lee and "The Thing Around Your Neck" by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie